Fish Care

Fish Care

By: Tierney

     Are you thinking of getting a fish? Fish are AMAZING pets.But a lot of people think that fish are not as good as other pets like dogs and cats.But actually there a big responsibility especially for a person who has never had a pet. So keep reading if you are interested in getting a fish.

     Fish should probably be fed once a day.You can buy fish food at any local pet store. There tank should probably be cleaned every one to two weeks.Also there tank water should be changed at least every two weeks.

     There are a lot of types of fish there are Beta fish which are rely territorial so only getting one would be best. There are also regular gold fish which are rely cheap. Different fish can get rely big so make sure to research  what fish you wan before you get it.Fish tanks can be expensive or rely cheap but make sure you get a bigger tank as your fish gets bigger.

Fish are amazing pets and deserve as much love and care as any other pet.Fish also make good gifts and starter pets.would a fish make a good pet for you?


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