
What Lifts Me

By: Tierney

 It lifts me when I'm with my family.
My sister lifts me when she smiles.
My brother lifts me when he dances.
My mom lifts me when she hugs me.
My dad lifts me when we laugh.
My birds lift me when they sing.
My dogs lift me when they bark.

 It lifts me when I play Basketball.
It lifts me when I make a layup.
It lifts me when my dad sees me make a free throw.
It lifts me when I win a game.

 It lifts me when I am on my phone.
It lifts me when I watch Friends.
It lifts me when I text my friends.
It lifts me when I text my family.

 It lifts me when I can lift someone else.
When I make someone smile.
When I make someone laugh.
When I smile with someone.
When I laugh with someone.


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